MARKING DAYS for pelagic species
Titan Red is a recreational nautical event for marking pelagic species, where fish are captured and released into the water in order to avoid any type of injury. The catches are marked for later scientific studies of migration and development of certain target species.
The target species of the event are mainly:
Bacoretas (Euthynnus alletteratus)
Albacoras (Thunnus alalunga)
Great Llampugas (Coryphaena hippurus).
From the TitanRed organization, we want the event not to be considered as a competition, but to become a days for marking and scientific collaboration with different national scientific institutes and also be a meeting point between the best European fishermen, where good atmosphere and companionship reigns, exchanging all kinds of experiences related to the sport we practice.
The event will take place in Marina Real of Valencia, undoubtedly one of the best and modern nautical facilities in Europe. The boats will be moored at the foot of the emblematic Veles i Vents building. The different areas assigned for the event will also be encompassed within the same building, fixing the Hospitality area on the terrace of the first floor.
La Sucursal Group, one of the best hotel groups at a national level will prepare all the catering and food for the championship. Moreover, the main dinner will take place in the restaurant LA SUCURSAL with a Michelin star.

Wednesday 12th. june 2019
19:00 h:
Reception of paticipants Gift delivery
20:00 h:
Fishing CAPTAINS meeting.

Thursday 13th. june 2019
6:30 – 7:30 h:
Bait collecting Breakfast
8:00 – 16:00 h:
Training day
18:30 h:
Return of the fleet to the port
18:45 h:
In case of bad weather conditions for some of the marking days (Friday and Saturday), one of the days of the competition would be moved to Thursday, June 13th., cancelling the official training.

Friday 14th. june 2019
6:30 a 7:30 h:
Breakfast and bait collecting
8:00 a 16:00 h:
1a marking round
18:30 h:
Return of the fleet to the port
18:45 h:

Saturday 15th. june 2019
6:30 a 7:30 h:
Breakfast and bait collecting
8:00 a 16:00 h:
2a marking round
18:30 h:
Return of the fleet to the port
18:45 h:
21:30 h:
Closing dinner and awards ceremony
Brumeo fishing with dead bait from anchored boat.
Catch and release, with filming and measurement of the fish.
Target species, Bacoretas (Euthynnus alletteratus) Albacoras (Thunnus alalunga) Great llampugas (Coryphaena hippurus)
Minimum boat length: 8,01 m. for security reasons of the event and the participants.
Minimum 4 crew members per boat. Since it is necessary to measure and release the fish as soon as possible.
Fishing with a maximum of 4 teams, in Stand-up or combat chair. For reasons of sportsmanship, the use of towers or fighters is not permitted.
General rules TITAN RED
Circular hook to facilitate the release of the catch
Free line category. (Max. 130lb, leader without limit)
Anchorage without engine, while fishing. Engine movement, in combat.
Only 2 changes of anchorage per sleeve.
Depth of anchorage between 80 and 150 m. Each boat must incorporate an anchorage according to the boat with its corresponding buoy, to avoid displacement. When the fish bites, the boat will be released from the anchorage, being marked by a buoy of considerable size.
The fishing zone shall be an area delimited by the Competition Committee in a polygon or point within the limit of 12 miles of the Coast. In a north that marks Marina Real of Valencia and a south of Cullera Cape. With depths ranging between 80 and 150 m deep. The exact area will be determined days before the championship depending on the area of greatest fishing activity of the previous days..
The fishing area is, without a doubt, one of the best areas in the Mediterranean for the practice of mist, being the last 3 years an authentic fishing paradise that in the event will surely enjoy all participants.
Here you can see the different spaces that will be specially fitted out for the TITAN RED 2019 event. A large leisure and catering area at the service of teams and visitors.

On the first floor of the Veles e Vents building,
we will install an area ‘hospitality‘
where you will enjoy:
• Fruit of the day bar.
• Heineken bar.
• Snacks area.

Moorings Area
All the boats will be situated
in the channel of Marina Real,
beside Veles e Vents

Closing dinner
The closing dinner will take place
at the prestigious restaurant LA SUCURSAL.
This stablishment has been awarded
with 1 Michelín Star and 2 Soles from
the Repsol Guide.
Registrations will open from 15 January 2019
*Registrations limited to 30 boats by payment order.
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